SBSC is a non-profit organization (Tax ID: 95-3371112) that depends on your charitable donation for support.
Our sponsors are a key part of the SBSC soccer program. Their participation in supporting our teams allows us to offer our soccer program for a reasonable registration fee each year.
Individual Team, Individual/All-Star Team, and Club-Wide sponsorships are available. When you are a SBSC sponsor, not only are you making a valuable contribution to our club, you are also afforded a unique opportunity to reach our local families in a way that is different from print/digital advertising.
We sincerely appreciate your assistance in providing a great experience for our local kids to enjoy recreational soccer, and hope to have your support for many years to come. Please contact Derek Bonnet (email link .... Sponsor Coordinator) with any questions.
You can make a donation using a credit card by clicking a payment 'button' below or by mailing a check to:
Solana Beach Soccer Club, PO Box 409, Solana Beach, CA 92075
We sincerely appreciate your assistance in providing a great experience for our local kids to enjoy recreational soccer, and hope to have your support for many years to come.
Sponsor Coordinator:
Derek Bonnet
Here's a link to an electronic sign up form (Google Form).
SBSC would like to increase the number of sponsors in our “family.” Sponsors can pay by credit card (see PayPal Buttons below) or by mailing a check (see address below). We want every team to have a sponsor! We look forward to having you as a sponsor!
Individual Team Sponsorship
Early Bird: $450 (Sign up by July 31)
After July 31: $500
Individual Team & All-Star Team Sponsorship
Early Bird: $600 (Sign up by July 31)
After July 31: $650
2024 Season includes:
Also included:
2024 Season includes:
2024 Season includes: